"Since Jesus was born in a barn, we felt this would be a perfect place to serve our children."

Inspired by the legend of the “DreamCatcher”emblem . Within the web-like patterns of the loop, maladaptive skills become tangled, while adaptive skills can pass through and help children, with all levels of ability, develop skills they need to build their highest potentials.
DreamCatchers Occupational Therapy Services provide comprehensive pediatric occupational therapy to children birth to 21 years old in a family centered environment located in Middle Tennessee. Our unique therapy clinic offers a variety of services including: Occupational Therapy, Hippotherapy (occupational therapy using a horse to facilitate activities that are meaningful & goal directed to the client), Aquatic Therapy (occupational therapy in a pool utilizing an anti-gravity environment), Therapeutic Listening (a program that utilizes specialized sounds and music to help sensory regulation and related issues) all in a multi-sensory environment to assist the client in achieving their personal goals and meet developmental milestones. Workshops and consultation services are also offered on and off site.
Our licensed, highly qualified, experienced therapists provide medical based treatment in a natural, nurturing setting where children with a wide variety of special needs can thrive. We offer thorough evaluations then create the most effective treatment and home programs possible, to improve your child's fine motor, visual motor / visual perceptual, sensory processing, neuromuscular, emotional / social and self help skills.
DreamCatchers offers services customized to meet the needs of each child and their family.